One of the most upsetting issues when keeping chickens is dealing with a red mites infestation inside the chicken coop. Eradicating mites is difficult and time-consuming, but on the other hand, preventing red mites is quite an easy task!
One of the most upsetting issues when keeping chickens is dealing with a red mites infestation inside the chicken coop. Eradicating mites is difficult and time-consuming, but on the other hand, preventing red mites is quite an easy task!
Pinless peepers, or chicken blinders, are often used to prevent a chicken from pecking and bullying other chickens or pulling its feathers. But do they work? And do pinless peepers hurt a chicken? The answer is very simple. Yes, pinless peepers prevent feather pecking and aggressive behavior. No, pinless peepers don’t hurt your chickens, as […]
Let’s start by addressing a common misconception. Most roosters are not aggressive at all. In rare cases, roosters turn against chicken keepers or are antagonistic toward the hens. There are some tricks to tame aggressive roosters or calm them down; however, this takes time, and success isn’t guaranteed. When the behavior doesn’t improve after a […]
Silkies make great pets. They’re gentle and friendly and stay small, so it’s pretty easy to keep them temporarily inside the house to enjoy their social nature. But what happens when they poop? Can Silkie chickens wear diapers? And if so, what is a good Silkie chicken diaper? Find our complete article on Silkie chickens […]
Got a chick with dried poo? Pasty Butt in chicks occurs all too often. Left untreated, it can be fatal. Luckily it’s easy to treat if you act fast.
All chickens love dust baths. It’s the ideal activity to keep them happy, entertained, and clean. Chickens clean themselves by getting dirty and pure chickens are less likely to catch parasites or other major health issues. Make sure you have plenty of dust baths available so multiple chickens can enjoy their dust bath simultaneously. It’s […]
A chicken is a living creature and comes with its health issues. When observing your flock, always keep an eye on possible chicken health problems. We’ll comment on some of the most common chicken health problems and the possible solutions to the problem. First Aid for Chickens It is important to remember that chickens are […]
Unfortunately, there are various kinds of predators who are after your chickens. And once they’ve discovered the chicken coop, chances are, they’ll keep on coming until all your chickens are dead. In this article, we’ll guide you through the most common predators and how to recognize the animal that’s terrifying your flock. We also give […]
When it comes to chicken runs or chicken coops, size does matter! How much space do chickens need inside the run or coop? Like humans, chickens like their own personal space. When a chicken run becomes too crowded, they feel stressed and sad. But how much space do they need? And can I keep chickens […]
Chicken molting can be frightening, with bald spots and loose feathers inside the coop. It may look like your chickens are sick. But don’t worry! Molting is a very common yearly process that looks scary but isn’t dangerous. This common annual occurrence may appear alarming but poses no real danger. Nevertheless, giving your chickens extra […]