Chicken Breeds With Black Feet

Believe it or not, some chicken breeds deserve a place on the runway, strutting around on their black feet. Their black skin is caused by a unique genetic twist, giving them this all-black ensemble right down to their toes.
Let’s discuss these stylish chickens.
1. Ayam Cemani
First on the list is the Ayam Cemani, a completely black breed originating in Indonesia.
Their striking looks have earned them the title of the world’s priciest chickens.
Often called the ‘Lamborghini of poultry,’ the Ayam Cemani stands out not just for its sleek, all-black appearance but also for its exclusivity and the hefty price tag that comes with it.

This breed owes its unique dark features – from organs to feathers – to a genetic condition known as fibromelanosis (fibro). It deserves the first place on this ‘chickens with black feet’ list.
However, if you’re eyeing them for their egg-laying skills, you might want to pause. Ayam Cemanis are on the lower end of the spectrum, producing only about 60 to 100 eggs each year, and those eggs are on the smaller side.
And for those wondering, despite their dark exterior, their eggs are a standard cream color, not black.
2. Silkies
While the Ayam Cemani takes the crown for the most famous all-black chicken, Silkies also have, believe it or not, black skin and black feet.

Silkies also carry the genetic condition fibromelanosis, leading to an increased presence of melanin in the skin. The black skin of a Silkie chicken is even considered a delicacy in many countries.
Despite the rainbow possibilities for the feathers, all Silkies have uniformly black feet. But something else is odd about their feet. Silkies carry five toes, instead of the usual four found in most breeds, which results from a genetic malfunction called polydactyly.

3. Mystic Onyx
Mystic Onyx chickens are a clever hatchery mix of Silkies and a larger meat bird, designed to imitate the striking looks of the Ayam Cemani.
While they share some of the same allure with their dark plumage, Mystic Onyx chickens occasionally sport hints of orange in their feathers. Their skin, however, including their feet, is black.

This makes them a fantastic option for those looking for the elegance of a black chicken without the price tag. They’re prolific layers too, offering up to 220 light brown eggs each year. These chickens mature by 20 weeks.
Adapted to cooler climates, Mystic Onyx chickens continue to lay through the winter, though their production may decline. They provide a consistent supply of eggs throughout the year.
Despite being relatively under the radar, Mystic Onyx chickens are perfect for beginners, enriching any backyard flock with their black presence and year-round eggs.
As they are a registered trademark, Mystic Onyx chickens are only available at Hoover’s Hatchery and Tractor Supply.
4. Fibro Chickens
Fibro chickens result from selective breeding, designed to showcase the genetic mutation fibromelanosis, in more common laying breeds. They have black skin, and black feet.

As this mutation causes hyperpigmentation, darkening everything from their feathers to their skin and even bones, these chickens will have a black appearance but won’t have to compromise in egg-laying skills.
Among the varieties of fibro chickens, the Fibro Easter Egger is perhaps the most known.
Easter Eggers are hybrid chickens created to lay colored eggs. They are mostly a mix of a chicken carrying the brown egg gene and a chicken carrying the blue egg gene.
But if you want to create a fibro Easter Egger, the chicken must also carry the dominant gene that causes fibromelanosis or hyperpigmentation.

The fibro Easter Egger is exclusively available through Meyer Hatchery.
While Meyer Hatchery keeps the recipe for their Fibro Easter Egger under wraps, many enthusiasts attempt to recreate this hybrid by crossing an Ayam Cemani with an Easter Egger.
However, it is worth noting that not all fibro chickens are as black as the Ayam Cemani. Most will have flares of other colors in the feathers or even a reddish comb and wattles.
5. Kadaknath
The Kadaknath chicken originates from India, and takes the term “dark and mysterious” on a whole new meaning. With feet as black as its feathers, this chicken often steals the spotlight from the Ayam Cemani.

The Kadaknath has earned its spot at the dining table with a reputation for nutritious meat. Rich in amino acids while being low in fat and cholesterol, it stands out as a nutritional champion.
However, their rising popularity as a culinary delight has led to a decrease in their numbers. Recognizing the need to protect this unique breed, the Indian government has developed a breeding program, supporting 500 families to raise Kadaknath chickens and keep this natural marvel thriving.
6. Swedish Black Hen
The Svart Hona, or Swedish Black Hen, grabs attention with its remarkable black appearance. It shares this trait with other unique breeds, like the Ayam Cemani, Kadaknath, and Silkie.

This deep black color doesn’t just cover their feathers; it extends to their skin, feet, beak, and even internal organs, offering an incredible sight.
The Swedish Black Hen is a Swedish landrace and, therefore, not your typical backyard chicken. They are quite rare, even in Sweden, where they originate.
The black pigmentation of the Svarthöna is due to a variant of the gene EDN3. Their distinct appearance and rarity make the Swedish black chicken a must-have in any backyard.
All breeds in this list share a neat black color that covers everything from their feathers to their feet. They’re not just about looks, though. Some are great egg layers, while others are known for tasty meat or wanted because of their rarity.
These black-footed chickens add a dash of mystery and fun to any backyard flock.
Credits Featured Image: @hatchitfarms (IG)