Free Chicken Saddle Pattern for Regular-Sized Hens (Printable PDF)

A chicken saddle is a fabric shield that protects a hen’s back from a rooster’s claws during mating. The saddle is attached to the hen with elastics and safeguards the hen’s feathers.
Remark: This is a pattern for regular-sized fowl, ranging from medium to larger birds.
We have several other chicken saddle patterns, including a chicken saddle pattern for bantams and smaller birds and chicken saddle patterns for large chicken breeds.
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This sewing pattern includes the following:
- Sizes: Medium, Large
- Difficulty: *
- Fabric: old clothes/leftover fabric
- Print Size: Letter
- Parts: Saddle
- Binding: Elastic around the wings
The elastic can move through the neck of the saddle, which makes it much easier to put the saddle on
Most Suitable Use
This chicken saddle pattern can be used for:
- Medium to Large Chicken Breeds: Leghorns, Araucana, Deathlayer, Marans, Mystic Onyx, Calico Princess, Polish, 55 Flowery, Green Queen, and other chicken breeds
- Protection of the saddle feathers on the back of a hen
This is how the finished chicken saddle looks like:

To get an idea of the sizing, this is the Large sewing pattern in the template put on a fairly large Easter Egger hen.
The saddle is attached to both wings and follows the back of the hen. The back of the saddle follows the round tail line. The sides of the saddle are covered by the wings.

When you put it on, it will take a minute for your birds to get used to it. Here you can see the chicken above getting used to her saddle:
Needed Material
To create the saddle and the wing protectors, you will need the following:
- some fabric from old clothes, left-overs from a quilting-supply store, or fat quarters with a print you like
- essential quilting tools like scissors, rulers, needles, and pins
- elastic band
- a sewing machine
- our chicken saddle sewing pattern
How to Make
Follow the instructions on how to make a chicken saddle pattern.
How To Download?
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Possible adjustments:
- You can add extra fabric on the neck if you have a large elastic
- You can add wing protectors if your hens need it
- You can add a tail guard if it’s needed for your hens
If you need patterns for the extra protection parts, you can use our chicken saddle pattern with wing protectors and tail guard. It contains the same medium and large sewing pattern sizes but has an extra template attached for the protective components. It also contains some indications of the attachment points.
Some alternatives:
- You can use our chicken saddle pattern with wing protectors and tail guards if your hens need extra protection