Indio Gigante: The Indian Giant Chicken Breed from Brazil

Most chicken keepers envision small, feathered creatures clucking around their barnyard. However, a remarkable breed defies this stereotype and stands head and shoulders above the rest. Meet the Índio Gigante, a Brazilian breed renowned for its towering stature, long legs, and amazing size.
- Índio Gigante hens lay between 160 – 250 eggs yearly
- Extremely long-legged and huge feet
- On of the largest chicken breeds
- Originating in Brazil
Eggs | 160-250 eggs yearly |
Egg Color | Tinted |
Egg Size | Large |
Weight | 6.5 – 10 lbs |
Hardiness | Not cold tolerant |
Temperament | Active |
Beginner-friendly | Yes |
Color | Varies |
With its long torso and neck, the Índio Gigante, also known as the Indian Giant (we’ll discuss the naming at the end of the article), exhibits the typical characteristics of Asian gamefowls like the Malay or Shamo. However, it surpasses its counterparts in terms of height due to its extraordinarily long legs and huge feet.
Roosters of this breed routinely reach lengths exceeding 36 inches, and some even surpass that incredible measurement. Imagine the sight of these majestic birds foraging in large pens, looking like a group of pocket velociraptors.

To be recognized as a true Índio Gigante, the rooster must reach a minimum height of 41 inches (1.05 meters) and weigh at least 10 pounds (4.5 kg). The hens are slightly smaller, but still impressive, with a minimum height requirement of 35 inches (90 cm) and a minimum weight of 6.5 pounds (3 kg).
Egg Production
The Índio Gigante are quite good egg layers, although it’s worth noting that many people choose to keep this breed for reasons other than their egg production.
These chickens can lay a notable number of eggs throughout the year. Índio Gigante hens produce around 160 to 250 large-sized tinted eggs on average.
If you decide to raise Índio Gigante chickens, you can expect a generous supply of eggs along with their eye-catching looks!
The personality of Índio Gigante chickens will vary from individual to individual. However, some general traits are often associated with this breed.
Índio Gigantes are known to be active, energetic, and curious. They possess a natural foraging instinct and enjoy exploring their surroundings. You may often find them scratching the ground, searching for insects and bugs to eat.
While the Índio Gigante is active and alert, they are generally considered friendly and calm in temperament. They are known to be tolerant and relatively easy to handle.

The Índio Gigante breed is not particularly known for being cold-tolerant. Originating from Brazil, where the climate tends to be warm, these chickens are not suited for cold environments.
Their lack of cold tolerance makes them more susceptible to cold-related health issues and discomfort in regions with harsh winters. It is essential to provide them with adequate shelter, protection from drafts, and insulation during colder weather.
While they may require extra attention in colder climates, Índio Gigante chickens thrive in moderate to warm temperatures. They are well-adapted to warmer climates and can handle hot weather better than many other breeds. However, providing shade and access to fresh water is still important to help them stay cool, especially during heatwaves.
Why Is A Brazilian Chicken Called Indian Giant?
Índio Gigante is Portuguese for Indian Giant. In Brazil, the term Índio is analogous to American Indian in the United States, referring to the indigenous peoples of Brazil and their cultural heritage.
The naming of Native Americans is a topic that has been subject to debate and discussion. The use of Índio probably reflects a cultural reference rather than the chicken’s origin.
Índio Gigante means Giant Indian, which may be intended to express the bird’s impressive size and stature, perhaps drawing a metaphorical parallel to the strength or prominence associated with indigenous warriors.
Breed Profile History
The Índio Gigante was created through a deliberate crossbreeding process in Brazil during the late 1980s or early 1990s. The breed’s story involved the strategic combination of “Malayoid” gamecocks, such as the Shamo and Malay breeds, with Caipira chickens, rustic mixed breeds commonly found in Brazil.
There is also a possibility that Plymouth Rocks were included in the breeding process.
The breeders aimed to combine the desirable traits of the Malayoid gamecocks, known for their long torso and neck, with the sturdiness and adaptability of the Caipira chickens.
By selecting the largest specimens over time, breeders successfully established the impressive size and physical attributes that define the Índio Gigante today.
As breeders continued to refine the breed, the Índio Gigante gradually gained recognition and popularity among poultry keepers.
The Índio Gigante originated in Brazil and is known for its impressive size and striking appearance. With its towering stature, long legs, and unique physical characteristics, the Indio Gigante stands out as one of the largest chicken breeds in the world.
To learn more about chicken breeds, check out our ‘Chicken Breeds Page‘ to see every specific breed we address. Or go to our listicle breed summary on ‘The Classroom‘, or, if you’re unsure where to start, take a look at our ‘Chicken Breeds: Ultimate Beginners Guide‘.
Credits Featured Image: @hensonoxney (IG)